All Posts tagged as "coding"

JavaScript: arguments explained

A mini tutorial on the JavaScripts arguments pseudo-object


Want to Work for a Startup? Contribute to Open Source!

Some tips for getting a gig at a startup


Deploy Coffeescript Node App to Heroku

So you've got a cool node app written in Coffeescript and you want to deploy it to Heroku? Seems like it should be easy these days, right? Not so much. Well, let's be honest, we're in the future, you don't have to manually manage servers, etc. (Thank you Heroku!) but deploying a Coffeescript app is still no small task as there are a bunch of gotchas. Hopefully this will help.


Alfred 2 and Emacs

Long story short, Alfred 2 and Emacs installed via Homebrew don't exactly play along nicely. Alfred 2 doesn't like to follow symlinks so it won't open Emacs. This is a solution.


Convert .png to .eps on Mac

This is one of those tips that seems almost too easy to be true.


Solved: git svn Broken in Mavericks

Struggling with git svn in Mavericks (or Mountain Lion)? This may be your answer


Solved: ZSH tab completion painfully slow

Struggling with slow tab completion in zsh? This may be your answer


Programmatically Creating Fielded Nodes in Drupal 7

Programmatically Creating Fielded Nodes in Drupal 7


tmux Tutorial

A tutorial on tmux, the terminal multiplexer along with my rationale for trying it out and some tips and tricks
